My Dad's Car Live!

Since starting the Podcast it has been our intention to get out and meet people, attend events, listen to stories and spread the word. 
With almost 2 years under our belts, the proceeds from a few coffees allowing us to buy some mobile recording gear and a few lucky live appearances, we're keen to do more stuff in front of a live audience. 

Last year we appeared at Bangers and Cash Live, and our latest outing to the Classic Car Show at the NEC really got under our skin, and the audience involvement and interest only spurs us on to do this more. 

Jon and Andy from My Dad's Car podcast pose with the Mathewson brothers from Bangers and Cash

Happy sitting on a stage as part of a panel, or conducting live interviews with special guests or show goers, we could bring a fantastic, interactive element to your event. Quick witted, well versed in family friendly language and with a wealth of motoring experiences to draw upon. We'd love to be part of the show you put on! 

Equally, we'd be keen to run afternoons or evenings at pubs, bringing our podcast to your people, and offering a platform for fellow car enthusiasts to share their stories. 
Drop us an email, or DM on social media and lets come up a plan together.